Monday, December 2, 2013

What to Eat in Masbate: Carmelado, Masbate's Version of "Pastillas de Leche"

Aside from seafood, horse’s meat and cheese, Masbate also has the famous native delicacies called carmelado.

Carmelado (Masbate's version of pastillas de leche) is a milk candy traditionally made of pure carabao’s milk and a little of white sugar. As a "One Town, One Product (OTOP)" of the province of Masbate, it can be found in the ports of Masbate, airport and flea markets. This native delicacy are cut into thin rectangular shapes and wrapped in white japanese paper when sold.

These white, sweet and creamy milk candies is a sure hit as pasalubong when visiting the province of Masbate. It is usually sold at 100 pesos per pack of 30 pieces.

Don't fail to bring home some of these delectably sweet Carmelado on your next visit to the province.


By Air
Philippine Airlines / PAL Express and Zest Air has daily flights from Manila to Masbate City and on schedule. This is the same and only flight out of Masbate to Manila. At the moment, all trips are in the morning, adjust your itinerary accordingly. Travel time is about an hour.

By Land/Sea
From Manila, take a bus going to Pilar, Sorsogon. Pilar is the main port of Southern Luzon island and it is located just outside Sorsogon City. From there, it is a two hour ride on a FastCraft to Masbate City.

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